On the 7th of September, 2010,
we prepared the party

Drop Fringe Garland Red Green Blue

This issue of Items magazine is the annual 'eindexamen nummer'. Items selected the best final exams accross all design departments from The Netherlands and Belgium. We dedicated our drawing to all those selected designers and drew the festive decoration.

We developed this spread for Items issue #5 2010.


  • Draw a continuous periodic line from left to right. The line is defined by its period and its amplitude.
  • Each period consists of max. 6 line-segments until it repeats.
  • The line-segments are constructed from: red = diagonal lines / green = diagonal lines and vertical/horizontal lines / blue = vertical/horizontal lines
  • The period of each new line is either the same size, double the size or half the size of its predecessor.
  • The amplitude of each line is the same and overlaps half of the previous line.
  • Color the smallest fields that emerge from intersections.