More info on the announcement post and evaluation post (incl. list of participants).
More pictures on BALTANs flickr set.In the morning we played two sessions of Conditional Drawing.
In the workshop the participants, in small groups, create collaborative drawings based on simple instructions.
The tight limitations of these instructions stimulate absurd associating, expression of half-finished ideas, discovery of personal affections and aversions and new fantasy worlds.
This workshop is based on Jonathans drawing game.Conditional Drawing instructions:
1st card-instruction:
- add a personal fascination
- add a problem
- add a technological element
- add a artificial element
- add a human element
- add a natural element
- add a futuristic element
- add a cultural element
2nd card-instruction:
- mutate3rd card-instruction:
- make a combination
- create a border
- create a relationship
- create a dependency
- make a comparison
- show a consequence
- show an alternative or solution
- change the scale
In the afternoon we played two sessions of Custom Rules, version 2 (version 1 we had played before, at a regular Conditional Tuesday). The workshop Custom Rules is based on executing simple rules which results in complex patterns.
During the workshop we made custom rules for each other: very formal instructions how to draw lines. We made these rules using templates, printed on cards, from which we could create our own custom rules.Initial Setup
Tasks Performed Every Turn by Each Participant
Draw a straight line
Fill in a custom-rule-card and give it to the next participant (Only in the first two turns)