On the 23rd of September, 2008,
Jonathan played paper based games with us.


I wanted to investigate the paper based games that I used to play with my friends as a child. I was intrigued by the fact that when these games are over, the process of playing is still visible in the result.

For the workshop, I developed a small collaborative story based drawing game.
Each person receives a different colored marker to draw with. Every round, the players receive a number of instructions and have one minute to draw. After the round has finished, every player explains their action and slowly a story develops.

On the evening, we did 2 drawing sessions. The first session was very spontaneous and free, the second became rather epic (involving society related themes such as good / evil / oil / love etc).
Conditional Drawing Instructions


  • add an industrial element
  • add a natural element
  • add a human element
  • add a fantastical element


  • infect
  • attack
  • defend
  • improve

Extras 1

  • add time
  • add a condition
  • add a constraint to an element
  • add or remove random
  • produce a message
  • produce a method
  • add an existing datasource
  • create a new data collection

Extras 2

  • redesign a condition
  • add detail to an existing element
  • make a relationship
  • simplify an existing element
  • illustrate change