On the 23rd of June, 2009,
we folded paper

Edo: A session based on folding the paper. We used a set of formal rules which forced quite strict limitations on us four, but still left a few degrees of free choice. Enough to make us very interdependent: We had to discuss and coorporate.

Initial Setup

  • Play with four participants.
  • Each participant has a colored pen: red, green, blue or black.
  • The participants take clockwise turns.

Tasks Performed the First Turn by Each Participant

  • Lift your corner of the paper from the table and bring it to any place on the paper so that one other corner must be lifted too.
  • While keeping the corner at its position, press the paper flat and make a fold.
  • Unfold the paper again to its standard position.
  • Place a dot somewhere on your fold.

Tasks Performed All Following Turns by Each Participant

Folding the paper

  • Bring your corner of the paper to the end of the line drawn by the participant on your right.
  • If that participant has only placed a dot, bring your corner to that dot.
  • While keeping the corner at its position, press the paper flat and make a fold.
  • Unfold the paper again to its standard position.
  • If the fold is almost parallel to the edge of the paper, place some small dots at the ends of the fold, so to clearly mark it as your fold.

Draw a straight line

  • Start your line at the end of your last drawn line.
  • Your line should always follow a fold.
  • Your line may cross other lines but it may not be on top of other lines.
  • The end of your line should always be where one of your own folds crosses a fold by someone else.